
Safeguarding is our highest priority at Hempshill Hall. We are proactive in keeping everyone in our school community safe.

If you are worried about the safety of a child this should be reported to Nottingham City Children and Families Direct 0115 8764800.

If you have a concern and would like to discuss the situation ring NSPCC 0808 8005000 or email

If a child is at risk of significant immediate harm ring 999.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sally Dakin and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Ruth Bond, Stephanie Sewell, Emily Gowans and Jon Wright.

Please don't ignore concerns; ​Child protection is everyone's responsibility.

Safeguarding and Online Safety Policies

Staying Safe Online

The internet is brilliant and most of us use it daily to keep in touch, access information and for entertainment. However, there are some risks particularly for children. You would not let your child wander freely anywhere they wanted to go meeting strangers and sharing personal information at any time of the day or night. Yet this is what many children are able to do if they go online without any safeguards in place.

Here is some advice from ‘Buddy’, the NSPCCs mascot:

“Talking to your child is one of the best ways to keep them safe. You can also use parental controls on social networks, online games and browsers and on both hardware and software that can filter or monitor what your child can see. Preventing your children from using the internet or mobile phones won't keep them safe in the long run, so it's important to have conversations that help your child understand how to stay safe and what to do if they ever feel scared or uncomfortable.”


YouTube for Kids, Netflix for Kids and Instagram for Kids all now exist in an effort to promote the safe use of these apps. All of the content on these sites has been verified before being added in an effort to keep children safe online.

If you would like to check the safety of other popular apps and games go to There is a simple guide to the 100 most popular apps. By clicking on the icon you can read reviews and tips from parents and children about possible risks as well as the positive aspects of each. Each group suggest a minimum age for using the site.



The NSPCC have launched a new campaign, in connection with O2, in order to ask parents to be ‘share aware’ and keep their children safe online.

Whether you are a customer of O2 or not, parents can take their devices into any O2 store and the staff there will check and adjust the settings for them so that they are suitable for use with the selected age group of child.

It is hoped that, in doing this, more parents will be confident in talking to their child about their activity online and actively taking an interest in keeping their child safe whilst they use their devices.

Children receive regular lessons in school to teach them how to stay safe. Yet we know that some of our children have got themselves in difficult situations online. Please help us to reinforce this message and help keep all of our children safe.


What is CEOP?

CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse.

There are times when adults or children may be worried about something they have seen or been sent online. If so, you can visit CEOP using the button or visit the Internet Watch Foundation.


The UK Safer Internet Centre

UK Safer Internet Centre is made up of three partners; Childnet International, the South West Grid for Learning and the Internet Watch Foundation.

Together they raise awareness about internet safety, develop information materials and resources and organise high profile events such as Safer Internet Day. You can access a range of resources from across the UK, Europe and wider afield.

The UK Safer Internet Centre also publish a newsletter which often contains practical and useful information regarding keeping children safe online. The latest newsletter covers issues such as Pokémon Go and keeping safe during the holidays.


You can connect to Childline by calling 0800 1111 (free from any phone) or download the Childline app on to a smart phone.